Deck Restore & Resurfacing Services in Connecticut
Revive Your Deck With the Help of Our Restoration and Resurfacing Experts
If you already have a deck installed in your backyard, you may find that, with time, it begins to show signs of wear and tear. This is perfectly normal, and it is important to restore and repair your deck back to a safe and usable condition.
A deck is the perfect place to spend time with your friends and family in the spring and summer months. However, if you have a deck that is in less than perfect condition, it can interrupt your summer plans, as well as cause a hazard in your own backyard. That’s why it’s so important to contact us for your deck repair as soon as possible.
If there is a problem with your deck, it is not always necessary to replace the whole thing. Instead, our deck restoration, repair, and resurfacing services in Connecticut and Rhode Island can help you deal with a number of issues, from water damage to broken and loose boards. Our professional contractors will come to your home and assess the deck that requires repair, and advise you of the next best steps. This will be a thorough inspection, to ensure the foundations are checked and all issues are brought to your attention. In some cases, there may be underlying issues that you cannot see below the deck.
As experts who build and repair decks in CT and RI, we are familiar with all types of wood and composite materials. Our goal is to help you efficiently repair and restore your deck to a high standard.
Why You Should Get Your Deck Repaired or Resurfaced
Repairing, or resurfacing your deck is a great and affordable way to restore your deck to its original condition. This will ensure that any loose, broken, or worn-out elements are replaced, at a reduced cost, so you do not have to worry about paying for a brand-new deck. Deck resurfacing is also a great option to upgrade a decking in a new property if you want to change the design.
Signs Your Deck Needs Repairing
If you live in Connecticut or Rhode Island, you know that the weather can be temperamental, and extreme temperatures can vary across the state. In addition to the weather, a well-used backyard is naturally going to see wear and tear. Here are some signs that your deck needs repairing:
It does not feel 100% safe to use
You avoid using it
Your decking looks old and worn out, maybe even warped
The wood is beginning to rot
The railings are wobbling or deteriorated
The floorboards are loose
You have a termite problem
The average lifespan of a deck is around 10-15 years, provided you keep it well-maintained. So whether your decking is coming to the end of its life expectancy, or it is becoming unsafe to use, then you should seek a professional opinion to find out your repair and resurfacing options.
Contact us today
Contact our specialist team of deck repair, restore, and resurfacing contractors in Connecticut and Rhode Island, and upgrade your decking today.